Archive for Credit Union

705 Savings Techniques for 2025!


Is saving a New Year’s resolution for 2025? You don’t need to come up with a plan by yourself. The 705 team is here to help you succeed in the new year and make your financial dreams a reality. Whether your goal is to finally build up an emergency fund or buy a new car, we have the tools and team to help you get your finances where you want them to be. Below is list of ways to kickstart your financial goals!

  • Set SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound goals can make all the difference! Having trouble making a financial plan that fits your situation? Reach out to a 705 FCU Financial Counselor! Eight of the fifteen team members have a certified financial counseling designation to help you reach your financial goals.
  • ZOGO: 73% of Americans say they stress out about money. That’s why 705 Federal Credit Union is working with Zogo, a mobile app that rewards you so you can earn while you learn. Download the free app with code “705fcu” and start working towards financial freedom! Learn more at:
  • Pay Yourself First! According to a survey by GOBankingRates, 50% of Americans have $500 or less in their savings account. Set up an automatic transfer to your saving account every time you get paid. By saving $20 every two weeks, you would meet that $500 goal within a year.
  • Find the Right Savings Account for YOU! The credit union has several savings options based on your situation. If you are looking to get a jumpstart on saving for Christmas, our Christmas Club is the perfect option for your finances. Looking for an account to start saving for a rainy day? Our Super Green pays a higher dividend rate with more flexibility on withdrawals. Want a low-risk investment option? A Share Certificate could be exactly what makes sense for your finances. Check out our various savings account options and the dividend rates on those accounts.
  • Round Up Savings: Looking for ways to save? Automate your savings with Round Up Savings! This feature turns your spare change into savings. How does it work? Every time you use your debit card; the transactions are rounded up to the next dollar and transferred into your savings account. Meeting your savings goal is a call away. Call 337-232-8450 option 2 to turn on this feature!
  • Debt Consolidation Loan: Could consolidating several debts into one help you save money each month? Talk to a loan officer about this process! Our loan officers can help you save money each month AND come up with a plan for the future with free financial counseling.

Whatever your goals are for this year, the credit union is here to help!

Money and Mental Health

For many people, the mere mention of the word “money” spurs feelings of stress and anxiousness. In fact, a Bankrate study of nearly 2,500 U.S. adults found that 70% of respondents feel stressed about their finances.  At the same time, living a financially responsible life can help one maintain optimal mental health. In observation of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s take a look at the connection between money and mental health.

How do financial struggles impact mental health?

There are lots of ways money troubles can influence one’s mental health:

  • Stress and anxiety. Financial struggles are one of the leading causes of stress and anxiety. Feeling stressed and anxious can also impact a person’s physical health, often leading to insomnia, headaches, weight gain/loss and other physical symptoms.
  • Depression. Money struggles can also lead to depression, which can cause a person to lose interest in activities they once enjoyed and affect their ability to function in daily life.
  • Strained relationships. Financial issues are famously a primary cause of divorce, but it doesn’t end there. Money issues can put a strain on many other relationships as well, including those between parents and children, siblings, friends and more.

It is essential to recognize the signs of financial stress and take steps to manage it. Seeking support from friends, family or a mental health professional can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety associated with financial struggles.

How does financial stability impact mental health?

Now, let’s explore how financial stability can impact one’s mental health:

  • Peace of mind. A stable financial reality can provide a sense of security and peace of mind, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Increased opportunities. Living a financially responsible life can provide a person with the opportunities to pursue their interests and passions, such as travel, hobbies and new learning experiences, all of which can improve overall mental health and well-being.
  • Improved relationships. Financial stability can also improve relationships, reducing stress and tension associated with financial struggles.

It’s important to aim for financial stability to improve your overall mental health and well-being. This can involve taking steps to save money, reduce expenses and invest in a financially secure  future.

The link between money and self-worth

Unfortunately, too many people link their self-worth to their financial situation. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem when experiencing financial struggles. However, it is essential to recognize that self-worth is not tied to financial success. Instead, focus on developing yourself as a person in ways that are not related to your financial situation. Set personal goals, practice self-care and seek fulfillment in areas outside financial success.

Debt and mental health

Debt is often the most significant financial problem that people face, and it can have a strong impact on mental health. Research shows that people who are in debt are more likely to experience mental health problems like anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts.

People who’ve been caught in the debt cycle may feel like they are trapped in their situation with no way out. This can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair. Debt can also cause a great deal of stress, which can lead to physical health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

If you are struggling to escape from under a mountain of debt, there are steps you can take to kick your debt for good. Consider consolidating it through an unsecured personal loan that may include one low-interest, and possibly lower, debt payment each month. You can also pay off one debt at a time by maximizing your monthly payment toward that debt until it’s paid off, which is often called the “snowball method” of debt payoff. If you choose this route, be sure to continue making all your minimal monthly payments on your other debts as you focus on the one.

Managing your finances for improved mental health

Are you struggling with money challenges that are negatively impacting your mental health? Here are ways you can improve your financial and mental health:

  • Create a budget and stick to it.
  • Trim your discretionary spending for extra breathing room in your budget.
  • Seek support from a financial counselor or therapist.
  • Practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga or exercise.
  • Avoid using credit cards or taking out loans unless absolutely necessary.
  • Set realistic financial goals and work toward them.
  • Focus on personal achievements and growth unrelated to your financial worth.

Money is intimately connected with one’s mental health. By managing your finances and seeking help when needed, you can improve your mental health and overall well-being.

Meet with 1 of Our 8 Financial Counselors!



4 Ways 705 FCU Can Help Fund Your Vacation!

If you’re like most Americans, as soon as you see ads announcing Memorial Day sale events, you start thinking summer. Summer means flip-flops and sandy beaches, sunscreen and baseball, fireworks and ice cream — and expensive vacations.

Perhaps you’re really needing to get away this summer, so you have the perfect vacation all planned out.

But how are you going to get around the steep price tag on your dream getaway? Do you pull out the plastic, make it happen and worry about paying your credit card bills after you return home? Do you beg a loan off family and friends, putting your most important relationships at risk? Do you live off pasta in the weeks leading up to your vacation and use the money saved on groceries to cover the cost of your trip?

You don’t have to take extreme or irresponsible measures to fund the perfect summer vacation. As a member of 705 Federal Credit Union, you have access to a variety of convenient products that can help cover the costs of your trip with minimal effort on your part.

Here are four ways 705 Federal Credit Union can send you packing for your dream summer getaway.

Vacation Savings Account

It’s easier to save up for a specific goal when you separate the funds you’re earmarking for that goal from all other savings. When you open a savings account at 705 Federal Credit Union with the express purpose of using it to accumulate funds for a summer vacation, you’ll always know exactly how much money you’ve saved up for your getaway. Plus, your money will grow, so you’ll reach your goal sooner.

You may have already started saving up for summer expenses in your regular savings account. Move that money into your summer savings account now so your vacation funds are in one easy location.

To be certain you’re socking away enough money to cover your getaway, create a vacation budget now. Realistically, how much money will you need to cover the costs of your trip? Next, determine when you’d like to go and count the number of weeks or months left until your vacation date. Work out the exact amount you’ll need to save each week or month by dividing your total vacation budget by the number of weeks or months left to go before your trip. You can trim your budget, sell some stuff you don’t use anymore or take on a side hustle to come up with the necessary savings. Finally, link your checking account and your designated vacation savings account — and set up a direct deposit — so that your summer savings can grow almost effortlessly.

Vacation Loan Special

If you think you can’t possibly save up enough money to fund your vacation in time, consider taking out a Vacation loan instead.

When you take out a Vacation loan at 705 Federal Credit Union, you’ll get the funds you need for your dream getaway. And best of all, with our affordable rates, you won’t go broke paying it back! Speak to us today to find out more about this fantastic special available May 16, 2022 – June 30, 2022.


If you’re desperate for a vacation in more ways than one, consider taking a break from some of your financial responsibilities this summer. 705 Federal Credit Union allows qualifying members to skip one loan payment during this expensive time of year. By choosing Skip-a-Payment, you’ll get the break you need without hurting your credit or defaulting on the loan. However, your loan or balance payment plan will extend for another month, and the interest on the skipped payment will be integrated into the principal of your loan or bill.

Skipping a payment is not recommended for members who are struggling to get on top of their finances. But, if you’re in a financially comfortable place and just need some extra breathing room this time of year, skipping one monthly payment can be a great way to help you cover the costs of your summer getaway. The credit union’s Skip-A-Payment promotion will be available June, July, or August of 2022. Contact a loan officer by calling 337-232-8450 option 3!

Vacation Club Account

Instead of panicking about summer expenses when the calendar hits June each year, why not pay a little bit toward your summer costs all year long? When you open a Vacation Club account at 705 Federal Credit Union, you’ll be spreading the cost of your summer getaway across the entire year. Each month, you’ll pay just a little bit toward funding your vacation, and when summer rolls around, you’ll have all the money you need for your vacation, without taking a huge bite out of your monthly budget or going into debt. Find out more by speaking to a 705 Federal Credit Union representative about opening a Vacation Club account to help cover the costs of summer.

Get your vacation plans off the ground by stopping by 705 Federal Credit Union today. We have a broad range of products that can turn your dream vacation into a reality!


How to Avoid Credit Card Fraud this Holiday Season

With the holiday shopping season heading into its final frenzied stretch, scammers are out in full force to take advantage of busy shoppers. In particular, credit card fraud is rampant during this time of year. With most purchases paid for with plastic, scammers have their pick of vulnerable prey before the holidays. Stay safe this season and protect yourself and your cards from fraud with these safety measures and preventative tips: 

Choose zero liability 

If you can, choose a credit card with zero liability protection. This way, you won’t be responsible for any unauthorized charges made on your card. 

Monitor your credit

Stay alert and learn about the first signs of fraud to your credit accounts by reviewing your credit card statements carefully. It’s also a good idea to enroll in available alerts so you are notified of unusual and/or large purchases made on your card, and transactions made in remote or obscure places. Most credit card issuers offer instant text or email alerts, which helps cardholders to be alerted to fraudulent activity so they can take action before it happens again. 

Strengthen your passwords

Take some time out during this busy season to review the passwords on your accounts. Does each account have its own unique password? Are your passwords strong, using a combination of letters, numbers and symbols as well as varied capitalization use? If any passwords use your personal information, such as your date of birth, your hometown or your mother’s maiden name, change them. Easily cracked passwords like these can be used to hack into multiple accounts and can even lead to identity theft. Keep your passwords strong, and change them from time to time to prevent fraud. 

Shop with caution

Be an alert shopper this holiday season to avoid falling victim to credit card fraud. Only shop reputable sites and avoid clicking on pop-up ads or links in emails coming from unverified senders. To confirm a site’s security, look for the lock icon before the URL and the “s” after the “http.” Finally, make sure you are using a device that’s using updated security settings and choose a VPN (virtual private network) if you must use public Wi-Fi. 

Be wary of “support staff” calls from your credit card issuer

Some scammers resort to phishing calls for pulling off credit card fraud before the holidays. In these scams, a target will receive a phone call from someone who allegedly represents their credit card company or financial institution. The “support staff member” will tell the target there’s been an issue with their account and that it needs to be updated before the card can be used again. The caller will then ask the cardholder to share sensitive information, such as their card numbers, account details, passwords and more. Unfortunately, if the cardholder complies, they will be playing directly into the hands of a scammer. 

If you receive a phone call like the one described above, hang up and block the number. You can reach out to your card issuer on your own to check if there really is a problem with your account; but chances are, everything will be in proper order. 

Keep your cards close

Don’t forget to take basic precautions with your credit card this season, especially if you’ll be hitting a lot of shops before the holidays. Keep your card tucked into your wallet or purse. If you use a cardholder on your phone case, keep your phone in a safe place and make sure the card numbers are not visible to passersby. Finally, put your card away immediately after completing a purchase. 

Take immediate action if there are signs of fraud

If you suspect your credit card has been stolen or hacked, alert your credit card issuer and financial institution immediately. Your old card will be canceled to prevent the scammer from making additional charges and you’ll be issued a new one so you can complete your shopping. Consider placing a credit freeze on your accounts as well, which will make it nearly impossible for the fraudster to open new accounts or take out loans in your name. 

Stay aware this holiday season, and keep your money and your information safe!


5 Steps to Take Before Making a Large Purchase

Have you been bitten by the gotta-have-it bug? It could be a Peloton bike that’s caught your eye, or maybe you want to spring for a new entertainment system, no matter the cost. Before you go ahead with the purchase, though, it’s a good idea to take a step back and follow the steps outlined here to be sure you’re making a decision you won’t ultimately regret.

Step 1: Wait it out

Often, a want can seem like a must-have, but that urgency fades when you wait it out. Take a break for a few days before finalizing a large purchase to see if you really want it that badly. For an extra-large purchase, you can wait a full week, or even a month. After some time has passed, you may find that you don’t want the must-have item after all.

Step 2: Consider your emotions

A bit of retail therapy every now and then is fine for most people, but draining your wallet every month to feed negative emotions is not. Before going ahead with your purchase, take a moment to identify the emotions driving the desire. Is this purchase being used as a means to fix a troubled relationship? Or to help gain acceptance among a group of friends, neighbors or workmates? Or maybe you’re going through a hard time and you’re using this purchase to help numb the pain or to fill a void in your life. Be honest with yourself and take note of what’s really driving you to make this purchase. Is it really in your best interest?

Step 3: Review your upcoming expenses

What large expenses are you anticipating in the near future? Even if you have the cash in your account to cover this purchase, you may soon need that money for an upcoming expense. Will you need to make a costly car repair? Do you have a major household appliance that will need to be replaced within the next few months? By taking your future financial needs into account, you’ll avoid spending money today that you’ll need tomorrow.

Step 4: Find the cheapest source

If you’ve decided you do want to go ahead with the purchase, there are still ways to save money. In today’s online world of commerce, comparison shopping is as easy as a few clicks. You can use apps like ShopSavvy and BuyVia to help you find the retailer selling the item at the best price.

Step 5: Choose your payment method carefully

Once you’ve chosen your retailer and the item you’d like to purchase, you’re ready to go ahead and make it yours! Before taking this final step, though, you’ll need to decide on a method of payment.

If you’ve saved up for this item and you have the funds on-hand for it now, you can pay up in cash or by using a debit card. This payment method is generally the easiest, and if it’s pre-planned, it will have little effect on your overall budget.

If you can’t pay for the item in full right now, consider using a credit card with a low interest rate. Most credit card payments have the added benefit of purchase protection, which can be beneficial when buying large items that don’t turn out to be as expected. Before swiping your credit card, though, be sure you can meet your monthly payments or you’ll risk damaging your credit score.

Another option to consider is paying for your purchase through a buy now, pay later program. Apps, like Afterpay, allow you to pay 25% of your purchase today, and the rest in fixed installments over the next few months. This approach, too, should only be chosen if you are certain you can meet the future payments.

Large purchases are a part of life, but they’re not always necessary or in the buyer’s best interest. Follow these steps before you finalize an expensive purchase.

Reach Out to a Loan Officer to Talk about Your Options for a Big Purchase! 


6 Reasons to Switch to E-Statements

Are you constantly dealing with a barrage of junk mail that clogs up your mailbox? Drowning in papers needing sifted through? Are you always afraid to throw out any paper from your financial institution, fearful that you’ll be throwing sensitive material into the trash and making it an easy steal for would-be scammers?

If this sounds familiar, you may benefit from switching to electronic account statements.

Electronic statements (E-Statements) are similar to paper statements, except for the fact that they’re delivered electronically. At the end of each statement period, which is generally monthly for checking accounts and quarterly for basic savings accounts, you’ll receive a notification from 705 Federal Credit Union informing you that your statement is ready to view through the online banking portal, app, or by downloading from a secure site. Once you access the E-Statement, you’ll find it has all the information you’re used to receiving in your paper statements. You can also access your E-Statement by logging into your online banking site or app at any time throughout the month.

Quick, convenient and clutter-free, E-Statements are the way of the future. Here are six reasons to consider switching to E-Statements.

 1. Check your accounts at a glance

With E-Statements, there’s no need to wait for your monthly statement to arrive in the mail. Just a few clicks and you get your account statement at any time, from anywhere, using the mobile device of your choice. Some financial institutions also offer members the option of signing up for financial alerts, such as a warning when your account is running low and in danger of being overdrawn. With E-Statements, managing your accounts is easy.

2. Clear out the clutter

Why bother with piles of paperwork when you can access your accounts online? It’s neater, cleaner, and helps cut down on the correspondence you have flooding your mailbox. You’ll also save time sorting through papers when you can find your last account cycle balance with just a few quick swipes.

3. Keep your information safer

No matter how careful you are with papers containing sensitive data, there’s always a chance you can miss something and it’ll end up in the wrong hands. It can also be a pain to keep track of every incoming piece of mail and to dispose of it properly. With E-Statements, you’ll never have to worry about losing a paper that contains confidential banking information, or mistakenly tossing it into the trash where it can be easily accessed by identity thieves.

Some people are wary about sending sensitive information online and are fearful that an E-Statement can easily be hacked. However, you can access your account balance online with confidence, knowing that 705 Federal Credit Union uses several layers of protection to keep your information absolutely safe.

4. Monitor your accounts frequently for fraud

When you have instant access to your accounts throughout the month, it’s a lot easier to check for signs of fraud. Plus, when you spot the fraud sooner, you can take steps to mitigate the damage earlier and have a better chance of a full recovery.

5. Eco-friendly

When you choose to receive your monthly account statements electronically, you’ll be doing the environment a favor. Less paper statements means less paper waste and fewer trees getting cut down for something that will ultimately be tossed. Go green for the environment with E-Statements!

6. Safe and secure storage

Filing cabinets are so last century. With E-Statements, you’ll never stress about misplacing your account statements again. Your online banking portal or app acts as a convenient and secure filing cabinet, storing your account statements for you to access as needed.

Ready to make the switch to E-Statements? Signing up is easy. Log into Online Banking to sign up, today!

My Savings Has Been Wiped Clean; How Can I Replenish It?

Broken piggy bank with coins everywhere

Q: The last few months have been really tough on my finances, and I’ve been forced to use my savings for getting by. My emergency fund and savings account are basically zero. Now that my financial situation is starting to improve, I’d like to start building these up again, but it’s all so overwhelming. Where do I begin?

A: Watching savings that took you years to build up disappear in just a few months can be disheartening, but it’s important to remember that you’ve made the right choice. Using emergency funds to survive prolonged unemployment, an unexpected large expense or a medical emergency is the best way to make it through a financial hardship. If your savings are depleted, though, you’ll want to start rebuilding as soon as possible to ensure you have the funds to cover a future financial challenge without falling deeply into debt.

Here’s how to start your rebuilding plan:

Set a goal

Before getting started on saving up money, it’s a good idea to establish a tangible goal. What’s your magic number? You can try to recover the value of the savings lost, or start smaller, with a more attainable goal. Bear in mind that experts recommend having funds to cover three to six months’ worth of living expenses set aside in an emergency fund or savings account.

Review your budget and trim your spending

A good place to start finding those extra dollars for savings is by carefully reviewing your spending for ways to cut back. Look for expenses that can make a difference in a monthly budget without dramatically affecting your quality of life. Think about subscriptions or services that are rarely used, a dining-out budget that can be scaled back and expensive recreational activities that can be swapped with freebies. There’s no need to live like you’re broke, but stripping your budget of some extras can give you the boost of cash you need each month to build up your savings again.

Find a side hustle

Another great way to land extra funds is through a side job. There are many ways to pad a wallet without a major investment of time. Some options include taking surveys on sites like Survey Junkie and Swagbucks and doing gig work for companies like Uber, DoorDash and Rover.

Sell your old treasures

If you’ve spent part of the COVID-19 lockdown giving your house a deep cleaning, you may have unearthed some forgotten treasures that can turn into easy moneymakers. You can sell old clothing on ThredUp, unwanted jewelry on, make good money off your unwanted furniture through Chairish, sell or trade unused sports equipment on Swap Me Sports and sell kids clothing and toys on Kid to Kid. Use the cash you earn from these sales to jumpstart your new nest egg.

Make a plan

Once you have a goal in place for building your savings, and you’ve maximized the possible monthly contributions toward savings each month, it’s time to create a plan. Map out a timeline of how long it’ll take to reach your goal when putting away as much as possible each month. Remember: the more aggressively you save now, the sooner you’ll reach your goal.

Start saving

It’s time to put the plan into action!

The best way to ensure regular savings happens each month is to make it automatic. You can set up an automatic monthly transfer from your Section 705 Checking Account to your Section 705 Savings Account on a designated day of the month. You may want to have the transfer go through several days after you receive your monthly salary, or it might work out better to put a smaller amount of money into savings each week. Give us a call at 337-232-8450 to discuss your options.

Put unexpected windfalls into savings

To speed up the process of rebuilding depleted savings, you may want to resolve to put unexpected windfalls into an emergency fund or savings account. This can include tax refunds, a work bonus and gift money. If another round of Coronavirus stimulus checks is approved, consider using these funds for your savings as well. Earmarking future windfalls for savings can shorten the amount of time spent cutting corners in a budget and taking on extra jobs to build up a savings account.

Rebuilding an emergency fund and savings account from the bottom up isn’t easy. It takes commitment, hard work and the ability to keep a long-term goal in mind; however, the security that comes from knowing you have a safety cushion to fall back on in case of a financial setback will make this goal worth the effort many times over.


Still Focused on Serving You

Image of coronavirus

COVID-19 Doesn’t Impact Our Service

Dear member,

We are still here to help you

You and your family may be worried about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), but the leadership at 705 Federal Credit Union want you to know we are here for you as we always have been. Your deposits are safe and insured. We’re not going anywhere, because at its core, our credit union is not a building or a business, it’s people unified for a common goal.

Your money is safe and insured

There are a lot of things to worry about these days, but the safety of your money in your credit union isn’t one of them.  Your money is safe, and your accounts are fully insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) up to $250,000.  There is no risk to keeping money in your account, but there are countless risks to holding cash.     

COVID-19 has cancelled, postponed, and slowed down much of American life, but the nation’s financial system operations are still strong. You can meet nearly all of your financial needs without leaving your home. If you do not have it on your mobile phone, now is a good time to download our app or sign up for online access. You can transfer and deposit money, and pay bills through your debit card, credit card, or electronic transfer. 

If you’ve been impacted by this pandemic, our staff is dedicated to working with and helping you through these uncertain times. Now, more than ever, we are here to support our members. 705 FCU has 2 loan specials available to help those affected. Please, call 337-232-8450 option 7 or email a loan officer to discuss taking advantage of the COVID-19 Relief Loan and/or the COVID-19 Skip-A-Payment

Use caution and minimize social interaction

Health professionals say if you must leave your house use an abundance of caution and minimize social interactions.  If you need to visit our branch through the drive-through (with normal operating hours) or utilize our ATM.

We’re here if you need any additional assistance

If you want to learn more about COVID-19, visit the CDC’s resource center or our state health department website. Please take care of yourself and those around you and do not hesitate to contact us for any assistance at 337-232-8450.


Melanie Riedl

705 FCU President & Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Connect with us on Facebook for COVID-19 updates!

How to Dispute A Credit Report Error

Quick-what’s your credit score?

As a financially responsible individual, you should be checking your credit on a regular basis. You can do this by signing up for free credit monitoring on a reputable website like, requesting your annual complimentary credit report from and reviewing your monthly credit card statements.

If all goes well, your report will hold no surprises and your score will be in excellent shape, or steadily increasing. Sometimes, though, you may find an error in your report. It might be a sharp decline in your score when you know you haven’t changed your spending or bill-paying habits, a large transaction you’re sure you’ve never made or an unfamiliar line of credit. While it can be disconcerting to find a mistake in your credit report, the good news is you can contest errors like these and fix your score.

Mistakes you may find on your credit report

Woman looking at bill with a concerned look on her face

Credit report errors are quite common. In fact, 26% of participants in a study by the Federal Trade Commission found at least one error on their credit reports that brought down their score. A lower score can mean getting hit with higher interest rates on loans, and can prove to be an obstacle when applying for a new line of credit or a large loan.

Most of these errors can be traced back to clerical mistakes, though some are caused by a lack of action on your part, or by criminal activity.

Credit report errors include the following:

  • You’re mistakenly identified as someone with a name similar to yours.
  • A credit account was never included in your report, weakening your perceived credit worthiness.
  • Your loan or credit card payments were applied to the wrong account.
  • A legitimate credit account or debt has been reported and recorded multiple times.
  • Your name is still linked to your ex-partner’s accounts and debts.

Identity thieves have used your name and credit file to open accounts and take out loans you knew nothing about – and it’s unlikely they have been making payments on those loans.

To avoid credit report errors, make sure to use your legal name on every line of credit you open, to remove your name from any accounts you are no longer associated with and to have all of your creditors report your open accounts to the major credit bureaus. As mentioned above, it is also crucial that you monitor your score to find mistakes as quickly as possible.

3 steps to disputing an error

If you’ve spotted an error on your credit report, don’t panic. Follow these three steps to dispute the error and fix your credit:

Step 1: File a dispute with each of the major credit bureaus.

You’ll need to inform all three major credit bureaus, Equifax, TransUnion and Experian, about the error. All three bureaus allow you to file disputes online.

In your written dispute, you’ll need to clearly identify each disputed item in your report, explain why you are disputing these items and ask that the errors be deleted or corrected. Include your full contact information, as well as copies of any documents that support your claim. You can also include a copy of your credit report, highlighting the items you are disputing.

To file your dispute online, follow these links for each of the three major credit bureaus: Equifax, TransUnion, Experian.

You can also file your disputes by mail to Equifax and TransUnion; Experian currently accepts online disputes only. If filing by mail, it’s best to send your letter via certified mail with a requested return receipt. It’s also a good idea to keep a copy of your correspondence for your own records.

Mail your Equifax dispute to the following address:

Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30348

Mail your TransUnion dispute to the following address:

TransUnion LLC
Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016

Step 2: Contact the creditor

After you’ve contacted each bureau, you can also reach out to the creditor that’s linked to the error in your report. This step isn’t necessary, but it may speed up the correction process.

Most creditors will provide a link or an address for disputes. When filing your dispute, follow the guidelines above and include all relevant information and documentation. Be sure to let the creditor know you’ve also contacted the credit bureaus, as they’ll want to include this information and a copy of your dispute if they report their findings to the bureaus. You can also ask to be copied on all correspondences between the creditor and the bureaus.

Step 3: Follow up in 30 days

Expect to be contacted by the bureaus and the creditor within 30 days after filing your disputes. If all goes well, your dispute will be accepted, and your credit will be restored. In many states, you are eligible to receive a complimentary credit report following a registered dispute.

If one of the credit bureaus or a creditor refuses to accept your dispute or does not resolve the error in your favor, you can ask the bureau or creditor to include a copy of your dispute in your file and in all future credit reports. This way, a lender or creditor will be made aware of the alleged error when reviewing your credit. You may be charged a small fee for this service, but it is generally worth the price. If you feel the error is too significant to ignore, consider hiring a lawyer to help you contest the report and fix your credit.

Disputing an error on your credit report is fairly simple. Always monitor your score and be vigilant about correcting errors. The payoff can affect your financial wellness for years to come.

Speak with a 705 Financial Representative about Getting Your Credit Where You Want It To Be in 2020!

All You Need to Know about Savings Certificates

Watch your money grow! Share certificates are a great low risk investment option. See how much you could earn on your money. Learn more!

Are Savings Certificates Right for You?

If the lump under your mattress is getting uncomfortably big and you’re looking for a safer, more lucrative place to park your savings, look no further than Section 705. As an institution that’s completely devoted to your financial wellness, we offer several secure options for savings, including: Share Certificates, Traditional IRAs, Lucky Lagniappe Savings, Christmas Club, Vacation Club, Super Green, Youth Savings, and Regular Savings Accounts.

Another excellent option we offer our members to help their savings grow is our savings certificates. They are sometimes also known as share certificates, and referred to by banks as CDs. These unique accounts offer the best of both worlds when it comes to your savings. First, you’ll be giving your money a greater chance at growth than it would have in a typical savings account. Secondly, you are not subjecting your savings to the inherent risks and potential for loss that accompanies investing in the stock market.

Let’s take a closer look at the way this fantastic savings product works and why it might be the perfect choice for you.

What is a Certificate?

A savings certificate is a federally insured savings account with a fixed dividend rate and a fixed date of maturity. The dividend rates of these accounts tend to be higher than those on savings accounts and some money market accounts. Generally, there is no monthly fee to keep the certificate open.

However, unlike a savings account, your money will be tied up in a certificate. A typical certificate will not allow you to add any money to the certificate after you’ve made your initial deposit. You also won’t be able to withdraw your funds before the maturity date without paying a penalty.

Terms and conditions of Certificates

As a member of Section 705, you can open up a certificate today. However, there are some basic requirements that must be met before you can do so, including a minimum opening balance and a commitment to keep your money in the account for a set amount of time.

The minimum amount of funds you’ll need to deposit to open a certificate will vary widely from one financial institution to the next and also depends upon the term you choose. Some institutions will accept an initial deposit as low as $50 for a certificate. Others, such as a “jumbo” certificate, will demand an opening balance of $100,000. In general, the more money you invest in a certificate, the higher rate of interest it will earn. At Section 705, you can open a certificate with as little as $100 at an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) of .25%.

Certificate term lengths also vary greatly among financial institutions, with most offering a choice of certificates that run from three months to five years. Typically, certificates with longer maturity terms will earn a higher rate. Here at Section 705, we offer our members certificates that can be opened for just 3 months or as long as 4 years. Our dividend rates start at .25 for short-term certificates and go up to 2.75 for our long-term options. To hear more about our certificate terms and rates, speak to a Section 705 representative today. Click for the dividends and disclosures on our share certificates.

Is a savings certificate for everyone?

While keeping your savings in a certificate can be an excellent option for your money, it is not for everyone. Before you go this route, ask yourself these important questions:

  • Do I have an emergency fund set aside to help me get through unexpected events or circumstances?
  • Do I anticipate needing to access these funds during the life of the certificate?

Remember: Your money will be tied up in the certificate and you will not be able to access it without paying a penalty. A certificate works best for people who have money set aside for a rainy day and are fairly certain they will not need to access the funds in the certificate until its maturity date.

Why keep your money in a certificate?

Here are some of the most popular reasons people choose to open a certificate:

  1. Low risk. While nearly every investment carries some sort of risk, your money is always safe in a certificate. With each Section 705 certificate insured by the National Credit Union Administration up to $250,000, you can rest easy, knowing your money is completely secure.
  2. Higher dividend rates. Certificates offer all the security of savings accounts with higher yields. It’s more for your money, just for choosing to invest it in a certificate.
  3. Locked-in rates. There’s no stressing over fluctuating national interest rates with a certificate. The APY is set when you open the account and is locked in until its maturity date. Instead of playing guessing games, you can determine exactly how much interest your money will earn over the life of the certificate the day you open it.

If a certificate sounds like the perfect choice for you, stop by Section 705 today to learn more. We’re committed to giving your money its best chance at growth.
